Huawei Mobile Partner questions & answers

Installs drivers for Huawei smartphones and manages the devices
Question by Frank
January 6, 2024
Rajesh Gupta
Answer by Rajesh Gupta

The answer to whether there is a Windows 11 driver for version 11.300.05.00.514 of Huawei Mobile Partner would depend on the specific driver compatibility provided by Huawei. It would be best to check the official Huawei website or support channels for information regarding Windows 11 compatibility for this driver version.

Question by Guest
July 19, 2021
Answer by Akash Shah

The reason your credit card is required to install the "Huawei Mobile Partner" program could be due to it being a paid software or requiring a subscription service. The credit card may be needed for payment or verification purposes.

Pooja Bajaj
Answer by Pooja Bajaj

The message "You cannot connect before registering an available device" indicates that in order to establish a connection using the "Huawei Mobile Partner" program for Windows, you need to first register a device that is compatible and available for connection.

Question by Andrew
May 4, 2018

Hi, I tried to install my Mobile Partner Huawei connection device on my new Windows 10 laptop and the software on the device doesn't work, it doesn't finish installation setting. Does exist some specific Windows 10 software/driver to let that device working? I am using it on two different laptops (the other one is Windows 8.1, no problems there).

Thank you in advance,

Answer by Robert Polubinski

No version of Huawei Mobile Partner has been developed to run on Windows 10. They all stop at Windows 8/8.1. However, in Windows 10, disable Driver Enforcement, and then attempt to install the application because it requires installing the drivers that are not Microsoft signed/checked.

Here's the way to download the Driver Enforcement policy:

  • Press Windows + X and choose Command Prompt (Admin) and type: bcdedit /set testsigning on and reboot.

  • Install the drivers you need then turn it back off: bcdedit /set testsigning off and reboot.

Question by mallus
January 30, 2017

Mobile Partner Software is using my complete memory (I have 4GB RAM installed in my computer). If I minimize the application window, it keeps highlighting every 2 seconds and makes me unable to type. Tried re-installing. Still not working.

Answer by Robert Polubinski

This could be a memory leak and regardless if you uninstall or install it, the same behavior will be present. My suggestion is to apply a compatibility tweak using right-click on the software's executable file. Go to Properties > Compatibility and then choose previous version of Windows. Additionally, tick the Run as Administrator option as well.

If you still have issues with the Huawei Mobile Partner, then update your Windows using Windows Update and try using the software again.

Question by Guest
January 4, 2017
Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

You need to check to see if the SIM card has been properly inserted into the modem. Make sure that the metal parts of the sim correctly touch the metal pins available on modem. this could be a cause to this issue in most of the cases.

Secondly, your SIM might be inactive, therefore a direct contact with the SIM's carrier support is necessary.

There isn't another reason I could possible think of to cause this issue.

Question by Guest
October 25, 2017
Answer by Sean Hill

Yes, Huawei Mobile Partner exists for Mac, but there isn't an official download in English language. The Portuguese version is available for downloading, but since you didn't provide any model number to use with Huawei Mobile Partner.

If you insist on downloading the Portuguese version, access the following link that will lead you to Google Search, then visit the Huawei's website.

Note: The OSX version needs to be 10.11 El Capitan or higher.

Question by pinkbus
December 12, 2016

I have Windows 7 Ultimate with Firefox 64bit.

I can use the Vodafone dongle in UK, but when I inserted into the laptop USB, it deletes the information & dongle icon from the desktop. When I travel to another country I use another dongle which uses access to the Internet by a telephone cell system and it is not recognized when inserted into the laptop USB.

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

If you install the same Huawei Mobile Partner, but from different carriers, then one application will be replaced by the other one. Here is a trick to have both apps installed. Go to the Control Panel, then select the Users section and create a username with Administrator access. Afterwards install one dongle and its software using the normal account, and then for the second dongle, keep Shift pressed and right click the installer. Choose Run as different user and select or input the details for the second one you've created earlier.

You'll have two apps of the same kind installed on the same PC. To use the second one, select the Run as different user every time is started.

Question by POOVENDRAN
July 29, 2020
Pooja Bajaj
Answer by Pooja Bajaj

Yes, the Huawei Mobile Partner software should work with a jio4g SIM card.

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